This past month, Gladney had a total of six placements, five of those being from their domestic infant program and one independent placement. Out of the five, three were with some of their longest waiting families. Two out of the six were in the Dallas TX area, two were in the Houston TX area, one was in Louisiana, and one was in Utah!
The independent placement is a very special, unique story. A family that adopted through the domestic infant program 17 years ago got a call from Gladney that their birth mother was pregnant again. Gladney will always call families who have taken placement first to try and keep siblings together. Since they adopted 17 years ago, Gladney thought the family would say no, but they were absolutely thrilled to receive the call and decided to move forward and adopt their son’s little sister!
Gladney is currently assisting 41 expectant birth mothers, each at various stages of their adoption journey and scattered across the country. We are 26th in line.