It has been another busy month at Gladney! January had a total of 11 placements!
For those who love statistics:
-From the 11 placements, two babies were full Caucasian, two were full African American, two were full Hispanic, four were biracial, and one was at least half Hispanic but the father was unknown so they do not know the full race of the child. Of the known biracial children, three were half Hispanic, three were half Caucasian, one was half African American, and one was half Asian.
-Of the eleven placements last month, six were held in Texas and five occurred in other states across all regions.
-Seven of the eleven were matched less than a week before taking placement!
With that being said, they have seen an increase in fast moving opportunities. Women are going to them just a few weeks before they deliver or while they are in the hospital after delivery. They want to make sure all waiting families are ready to go for any quick moving opportunity that might come their way.
Currently they are working with 60 women for their adoption plan. As a reminder, these women are at various stages in their adoption process. There are some that have already delivered and completed their adoption plan and others who are still receiving options counseling from their caseworker. Additionally, as of today, they are working with 98 Active, unmatched, and waiting families. We are 69th in line.